For the past couple of weeks I�have been watching the leaves slowly change into their firery colors and canapos;t help but get excited about the winter months. I donapos;t know what it is about the cooler weather that I�love so much... Outside of the fact that itapos;s just that little bit closer to swishing down the slopes in that white stuff. I have been in dire need of change. Iapos;ve done everything thing I�can to keep myself satisfied and occupied lately. Iapos;ve rearranged the rooms, cut my hair.... Whatever else and still feel unfullfilled. It wasnapos;t till recently that I sat down with someone and talked about our plans for the next couple of years. He mentioned the idea of moving out west himself, to the Rockies to be more specific. I told him I�wasnapos;t sure where I wanted to go but I want to leave here before I�ended up rooting myself down and never leaving. Iapos;ve had some time to sit down and turn over ideas in my head. Hours of surffing the web looking at different areas that Iapos;ve been interested in the past. They have ranged from north east all the way to Japan. If anything though, I�know now that I want to move out west. The Rockies at that. There is cooler weather, mountains, and skiing. What more can I�really ask for there? Not as far away as Japan which would be good for family sake... Unless they decide to move to Japan themselves. And seeing as that I�originally wanted to go out west for school, itapos;s only fair that I give myself the opportunity to move out there and experience it all now. Maybe I just feel the need to go out there simply cause Brandon was thinking about it himself. But one thing is for certain, I�need a change and a big one. Who knows, maybe I�do need to follow this boy out west.
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