I know I havenapos;t posted in donkeyapos;s years. (Fair warning: this isnapos;t going to be the one that restores your faith in my LJ readworthiness.)
Iapos;ve come down with whatever nasty strain of cold has besieged Bex for the better part of this past week... Itapos;s fairly miserable, true, but as nothing compared to the real problem Iapos;ve been facing today...
Iapos;ve been hiccoughing on and off since about 11am this morning. (Yes, ten hours and counting.) Driven well past the bounds of rational thought, I am ashamed to admit Iapos;ve even tried a few of those apos;folk curesapos; that my nana once endorsed. Yep, they work as well as they ever did.
The cats donapos;t know what to make of it and have been giving me dirty looks all afternoon. Somehow the weird noise I keep making every five to ten seconds isnapos;t quite enough to send them scampering from the room, however...
Iapos;m so bloody sick of this I could scream -- except that I canapos;t quite catch my breath long enough to belt out a solid yawp.
(p.s.: I warned you it was unimportant. Serves you right for reading one of my entries. Bet you wonapos;t make that mistake again.)
cad gis, cad garden design, cad galveston, cad ga job savannah, cad furniture drawings.

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